
Scanning Orlando Towers, Soweto


Orlando Towers, Soweto

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) LMX 200 with GPS.

ORSCO was appointed to conduct GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) survey to locate any possible underground structures before new development.


ORSCO used an LMX 200 Ground Penetrating Radar from Sensors & Software to conduct the survey. The LMX 200 is equipped with a 250 MHz antenna and Topcon GPS. The scanning area was divided into 2 grids.

Grids were collected with line spacing of 0,5 meters each. GPR grid survey depth was set to 8 meters penetration. The quality of the GPR data was good. The velocity used to calibrate the depth of penetration was adjusted to 0,120 m/ns. Data was processed using Ekko Project Software.

The processed GPR data revealed the following:
Two linear features were identified and superimposed onto Google Earth.

The first linear feature was identified as a pipeline. The second one is old railway tracks not visible from the surface. A few unknown structures are also visible on deeper GPR slices not presented in this document.


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